RBTA Enrollment Form


  1. CTA Foundation for Teaching & Learning: A $20 contribution is included for the CTA Foundation for Teaching & Learning. Visit www.cta.org/contribution if you would like to opt out or change that amount.
  2. CTA/ABC & Independent Expenditure Allocation: A portion of your dues goes to support education-related political issues and candidates for local and state issues/offices. You may choose to have all your membership dues remain in the general fund if you prefer, by checking this box.
  3. NEA Fund Deduction: You may contribute any amount (or no amount) to the NEA Fund for Children and Public Education which supports education-related political issues and candidates for national issues/offices.
  4. Membership Dues & Deduction Authorization: Your membership commitment is for annual dues from year to year. You may drop your membership at any time by writing a letter to your chapter president and then signing the drop verification form they provide. However, your dues obligation will continue until you also provide a written request not less than thirty days and not more than sixty days before the annual, anniversary date of membership (the day the form is signed). 
  5. RBTA/SBUT-PAC: $4.00 monthly contribution for RBTA/South Bay United Teachers-Issues Political Action Committee is automatically
    included in the local dues amounts. The SBUT Political Action Committee donates to local school board races and/or local school issues. However, you may opt-out or change your contribution level in the enrollment form.

         Call the office if you have any questions: (310) 921-2500.